About The Owner


There is a knowing behind what I do. An understanding that it’s not just hair. It’s so much more…

As a business owner, wife, and Mom of 3 I understand how easy it is to get lost in the rush of it all- meetings, doctor’s appointments, playing taxi for kid’s activities, business planning, and pet care. Oftentimes, the list appears never ending. Somewhere, in the middle of all of this, is YOU, and I firmly believe your self care practice and personal time are to be cherished and revered.

I’m honored to play a part in your practice, and I’ve designed your salon experience in a way that will leave you feeling more rejuvenated, confident, polished, and chic.

A childhood dream come to life…

I am proud to serve the Kentlands, Gaithersburg, Maryland community and beyond.  

Over my 12 plus years in the industry, education has been paramount in fueling my passion for this profession.   I continue to perfect my craft by attending monthly advanced technical and business training,  and as a result have never been more in love with this profession and the results I achieve for my guests.  

My desire to help guests’ battling hair loss led me to specialize in Micro Point Extensions for those with thinning hair on the top of the head.  My love of hair cutting allows me to create precision haircuts for curls, waves, and straight hair that leave it with a beautiful shape that is easier to manage and style.

Planning With A Purpose For Me and For You…

While most stylists offer a great first visit and solid maintenance thereafter, I see my role as your stylist a bit differently. In our partnership, I work with you to create a long term hair care plan which ensures your hair extensions, haircut, and hair color not only look great, but also enhance your unique features, fit your lifestyle, and evolve with you as you change. I believe in my hair philosophy. I’ll be by your side to navigate challenges and celebrate hair (and life) successes.


When I’m not in the salon I’m enjoying life with my beautiful blended family, friends, and pets. I’m lucky to have a family with an open mind and diverse palate where cuisine is involved, and I enjoy our global menu options at dinner. If time allows, I love to channel my inner circus artist by practicing aerial silks, and occasionally performing in student showcases, or relaxing with a cool coloring book and Netflix.

I am fortunate to have come from a creative family and to have parents who wholeheartedly supported my dream to become a stylist. Their support helped to develop the confidence to share my talent not only with my guests, but through teaching other stylists as well. I look forward to sharing my talent with you.

Tia In Twos


  • No matter the texture, you and your hair belong.
  • A great haircut can change your life.
  • You deserve a luxury hair care experience in the salon and at home.
  • Your hair must fit your lifestyle, otherwise it’s just a nuisance.
  • Loving what you see when you look in the mirror is important. Great hair can help.
  • Age-appropriate hair does not exist.
  • Having beautiful hair doesn’t have to be time consuming or difficult.

About Studio Indigo

A haven for the early bird. A peaceful place for the polished professional. One on one appointments. Curating confidence through hair restoration, and custom haircuts for the beauty conscious modern woman since 2011.